Tuesday 19 June 2012

Mrs Clegg, Mrs Blair, and some goats 

Why 20 women including Miriam Gonzalez Durantez, wife of the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg MP and Cherie Blair, wife of former Prime Minister Tony Blair, will walk goats across London bridge on Thursday.

Rwanda genocide courts closed 

Rwanda's community courts, called "gacaca," have officially closed after a decade of overseeing prosecutions of those involved in the 1994 genocide

Sharp rise in killings over land and forests reported as Rio [...] 

New figures on the killings of activists, journalists and community members defending rights to land and forests show the shocking extent of competition for access to natural resource

FSA ‘acts as lobby group for the City’

The UK’s financial regulator is compromised by corporate capture and is increasingly acting as a lobbying arm for the sector it is supposed to regulate, says a new repor